About Us

Trail Blazers is an outdoor learning engagement programme for the most hard-to-reach young people. We are dedicated to improving the well-being and mental health of young people across South East England. Our specialist Therapeutic Forest School and Fishing provision is tailored to support the needs of learners who find accessing their current education setting challenging.

Trail Blazers aims to improve the outcomes of young people who are vulnerable, at risk or have well-being and/or social, emotional, and behavioural needs. We aim to support schools and local authorities in ensuring that the young person continues to access an ambitious curriculum and re-engagement in an education setting.

Our Mission


We exist so that young people with unmet needs can feel supported, heard, and empowered to discover the joy in learning and to be able to chart their own educational path with confidence and resilience in our outdoor learning environment.

Our Pathways

We guide young individuals through a comprehensive journey of learning essential skills. Our diverse range of sessions, opportunities and events cater to various ages and user groups, ensuring a tailored experience for all.



Therapeutic Forest School



Little Embers

(Coming Soon)

Trail Blazers HQ

Off the beaten track and out in the wilderness is where you'll find our base.
Explore the map and find what we have to offer:​

Base Camp



Team Building Area



Fire Lighting

Nature Trail

Zip Line

Emotion Tree

Creative Area

Wood Chopping

Football Pitch

Football Pitch

Games Area


Tools Area

Woodland Gym

Sensory Path

Enquire to join Trail Blazers




Risk Assessments

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We are ready and waiting to answer any questions you may have!

Either fill in the form or contact us directly:

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Base Camp

 The Heart of our community. The day begins and ends here.


Where young trail blazers are given the opportunity to hone their culinary skills to prepare community breakfast and lunch using seasonal ingredients foraged from our ancient woodland when available 


Fishing at a Trail Blazers integrates practical outdoor skills with environmental education, offering our young people hands-on experience in natural settings. This activity can teach children about aquatic ecosystems, the importance of conservation, and responsible fishing practices.

It encourages a connection with nature, promotes physical health through outdoor activity, and can enhance social skills,resilience and teamwork as students learn together.

Team Building Area

We use this area to use games, and challenges to build trust, build better communication skills, boost morale and support collaboration between young people.


Our teepee not only fosters community but also serves as an outdoor classroom where nature becomes the ultimate teacher.


Fishing at Trail Blazers integrates practical outdoor skills with environmental education, offering our young people hands-on experience in natural settings. This activity can teach children about aquatic ecosystems, the importance of conservation, and responsible fishing practices.

It encourages a connection with nature, promotes physical health through outdoor activity, and can enhance social skills,resilience and teamwork as students learn together.

Fire Lighting

An area where traditional fire lighting skills are learnt, taught and built upon.

Nature Trail

This path takes you on a tranquil walk to provide opportunities for observing and learning about the flora, fauna and animal tracks.

Zip Line

Where our Trail Blazers become thrill seekers on an 80 metre zip wire down to our woodland lake. 

Emotion Tree

A physical place where our young people can go to have a sense of relief and regulate their feelings/emotions  away from the community. 

Creative Area

An area where young people can express their creativity aswell as encourage young people to take risks and try new things by encouraging them to learn through a variety of experiences.

Wood Chopping

An area where children chop wood for the days activities which promote resilience, fine motor skills and a sense of achievement.

Football Pitch

Experience the excitement of our community’s football pitch, where passion and camaraderie come together on the field.

Football Pitch

Experience the excitement of our community’s football pitch, where passion and camaraderie come together on the field.

Games Area

Games area where the spirit of collaboration and friendly competition thrives.


Our allotment is like a classroom where students learn to grow food and care for the environment, helping them connect with nature and their community.

They also get to enjoy the fruits of their labour by cooking with the fresh produce they help grow.

Tools Area

Where children develop learning at their own pace working through personal challenges. Once basic skills are mastered they can move on to open ended exploration – tinkering, exploring possibilities and start making unique creations using taught whittling techniques. 

Woodland Gym

By integrating a woodland gym into Trail Blazers, we can provide our young people with a stimulating, engaging and holistic learning environment that benefits our young people’s physical, mental and emotional health.  

Sensory Path

Our outdoor sensory path allows young people to connect with nature but also offers sensory stimulation for young people to enhance sensory integration and contribute to their overall sensory development.